On 6/09/2016 5:51 PM, David Simms wrote:

Updated webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~dsimms/8164086/webrev3/

No further comments from me, but note my original comment re the platform specific code.

More below.

On 06/09/16 01:20, David Holmes wrote:
Hi David,

On 5/09/2016 6:02 PM, David Simms wrote:
Hi David,

I can make the checks silent, but the launcher itself produces warnings
from checked JNI (it's use of unchecked Java method invocations), and
this causes the test

to fail, with unchecked exception warnings popping up in the output.

I've looked back at your original changes in this area but I'm still
not seeing exactly where the unchecked back-to-back JNI calls are
happening. For example NewPlatformString can return with an exception
pending, but will return NULL, and the calling code has checks for NULL.



Calls "CallStaticObjectMethod" from "NewPlatformString", then on line
1531 make another call "CallStaticObjectMethod".

No exception check is made. The Xcheck:jni code cannot interpreter the
return value from JNI "Call<X>Method" functions, so it triggers the
"unchecked" exception warning at line 1531.

Ah I see. No bug in the launcher code though as it only makes the second JNI call if the original did not return NULL and hence there can be no exception pending.

This is a limitation of the unchecked warning facility as it can't take control flow into account. :(

But yeah, I could adjust the test the ignore any start-up warnings and
drop the changes to the launcher...

Unless we can more clearly identify exactly where the launcher has a
problem I would prefer not to involve it in these changes. But I would
like to understand exactly why the launcher is triggering the check.

Dropped launcher changes, adjusted the test to ignore any previous

Yep - that seems best: only monitor the test itself not the overall VM operation.

David H.

/David Simms

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