Have you finished the deeper pass? :-)


On 9/2/2016 8:18, Brian Burkhalter wrote:
At the API level and conceptually this all appears reasonable. I am
going to need to take a deeper pass over it all however to comprehend
the implementation at any kind of detailed level. The changes mentioned
in response to Alan’s comments all appear good.



On Sep 1, 2016, at 7:25 AM, Weijun Wang <weijun.w...@oracle.com
<mailto:weijun.w...@oracle.com>> wrote:

Webrev updated at


Most suggestions from Alan accepted, including:

1. Using SharedSecrets.getJavaIOFilePermissionAccess() style instead
of public functions.

2. jdk.io.permissionsUseCanonicalPath=<boolean>.

3. samepath.sh rewritten in ReadFileOnPath.java.

Still using "ugly" method names. Thinking they are clear enough.

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