
Please review the fix for jdk9.

This is request to deprecate the obsolete flags inside InputEvent. This constants were marked as obsolete in jdk1.4 and were replaced by the new one. In jdk1.4 the documentation were update with notion that the new constants should be used. And this bug is about official deprecation of them.

We can replace old constants by the new one in the whole jdk, but I updated only the code in InputEvent to make change smaller and safer. So at least the new code in jdk and the code in applications will start to use the new constants.

The changes in jconsole are necessary to fix deprecation warning.

jprt build passed, no new issues were found by jck/jtreg tests.

Bug: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8143077
Webrev can be found at: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~serb/8143077/webrev.00

Best regards, Sergey.

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