Hi Uwe,

On 12/10/2016 01:33 PM, Uwe Schindler wrote:

Hi Peter,

this would be a great fix! Thanks!!!

I also think the non-static method is superior to my original proposal, because it allows us to do the security check **once**, which is really needed for Lucene. I am still fine if the permission is still checked on every unmapping, but we need to do the check up-front. If you look at our current unmapping code (https://goo.gl/TfQWl6), you will the that the detector checks for the extra runtime permission upfront, so we can be sure that the actual unmapping will work for sure. This is also the reason why we use MethodHandles: As those are compiled on investigation of possible unmapping variants depending on the VM, we can “compile” the MethodHandle and later call it as often as we like, without the risk that it breaks for incompatibility reasons. The MethodHandle makes sure that all types are checked up front.

About MappedByteBuffer vs ByteBuffer (or maybe just java.nio.Buffer!?): I’d make it generic so it works with any direct buffer (maybe also non-byte ones). For Lucene it does not matter, but other projects (I know Cassandra or other off-Heap frameworks) do the same with buffers that were allocated direct (not only mmapped). The method signature in your proposal is also compatible to our requirements: We can create the DirectBufferDeallocator up front and then produce a MH which is bound to the allocator.

I choose to limit the method to ByteBuffer type because this is the public static type used in programs for instances that are possibly "owning" the underlying native memory. Other-typed buffers or even 2nd-level direct ByteBuffers obtained by duplicating or slicing are just views and do not "own" the underlying memory. While it would be possible to trigger deallocation / unmapping via any buffer that references the owning buffer, I think this might be prone to bugs. By limiting the method to 1st-level direct ByteBuffer(s), the programmer is forced to think about ownership and lifetime of derived buffers and consequently write better code.

So on 2nd thought, the API might be even better to reject non-direct and 2nd-level direct ByteBuffer(s) by throwing an exception rather than silently ignoring the deallocation request.

I will make a pull request to Lucene using your current proposal so you have a “patch” to test this with Lucene before you commit something like this.

Let us first wait for a proposal from Oracle to see what they have in mind...

Regards, Peter



Uwe Schindler


ASF Member, Apache Lucene PMC / Committer

Bremen, Germany


*From:*Peter Levart [mailto:peter.lev...@gmail.com]
*Sent:* Saturday, December 10, 2016 12:10 PM
*To:* Alan Bateman <alan.bate...@oracle.com>; Uwe Schindler <uschind...@apache.org>; jigsaw-...@openjdk.java.net; Core-Libs-Dev <core-libs-dev@openjdk.java.net> *Subject:* Re: Java 9 build 148 causes trouble in Apache Lucene/Solr/Elasticsearch


On 12/10/2016 06:14 AM, Alan Bateman wrote:

    On 09/12/2016 22:32, Uwe Schindler wrote:


        I updated our Jenkins server for the JDK 9 preview testing to
        use build 148. Previously we had build 140 and build 147,
        which both worked without any issues. But after the update the
        following stuff goes wrong:

        (1) Unmapping of direct buffers no longer works, although this
        API was marked as critical because there is no replacement up
        to now, so code can unmap memory mapped files, which is one of
        the most important things Apache Lucene needs to use to access
        huge random access files while reading the index. Without
        memory mapping, the slowdown for Lucene users will be huge

    sun.misc.Cleaner was indeed on the original list of APIs for JEP
    260 to identify as a "critical internal API". It turned out not to
    be useful because it would have required some way to get the
    Cleaner in the first place. That lead to the "new" hack that is
    reading the private "cleaner" field from DBB and treating it as a
    Runnable. That hack now breaks because setAccessible has changed
    in jdk-9+148 to align with the JSR 376 proposal tracked as

    No need to panic though, there is an update to JEP 260 coming soon
    for this specific need. Details TDB but it will probably be a
    method in jdk.unsupported module. It does mean that libraries
    using the old (or "new") hacks will need to change. I hope it will
    be seen as a reasonable compromise for this generally awkward issue.


Something like the following?

http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~plevart/jdk9-dev/DirectBufferDeallocator/webrev.01/ <http://cr.openjdk.java.net/%7Eplevart/jdk9-dev/DirectBufferDeallocator/webrev.01/>

Regards, Peter

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