On 20/04/2017 5:57 PM, Magnus Ihse Bursie wrote:
On 2017-04-20 04:21, David Holmes wrote:
On 19/04/2017 10:54 PM, Magnus Ihse Bursie wrote:
With JDK-8172312, the file src/jdk.jdi/share/classes/jdi-overview.html
is no longer included in the generated documentation. The information
provided by that file should move to
src/jdk.jdi/share/classes/module-info.java instead.

Looks good, but highlighted an error with the existing text:

   * Defines the Java Debugger Interface.
+  * <p>
+  * The Java&trade; Debug Interface (JDI) is a high level Java API

The first line should read "Debug" not "Debugger".

Good catch.

I really didn't plan to make any editorial changes in this review, only
to move the contents to a place were it was once again included.
However, the text was apparently in need of some freshing up, so I tried
to fix what was pointed out.

Contrary to what Alan suggested (sorry Alan!) I think plain "JDI"
should be replaced by "The JDI".

I love it when I get conflicting reviews! ;-)

I'm sorry Dave, I'm afraid I can't do that. :-) "The JDI" just sounds
weird, and that's not how acronyms are typically referred to. So I've
sided with Alan here. If you don't agree, I'll back out that change and
you can fight it out by yourselves. :)

It depends on the exact nature of the acronym. If you wrote this out you would say "The Java Debug Interface .." hence you should say "The JDI ...".



And Mandy: I agree with the weird ellipses. I changed that to "etc.",
which I think captures the intent that the list was not exhaustive.

Here is an updated review. It fixes the "Debugger" in the title, "The
JDI" -> "JDI" in two places, "..." -> "etc." and <code> -> {@code}.




I also took the liberty of removing a bunch of other overview.html files
that are not included in the Javadoc anymore. They provided no real
informational value, and what text they contained is already expressed
similarly or better in the corresponding module-info.java files instead.

Bug: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8178037


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