
> On 21 Dec 2017, at 00:42, David Holmes <david.hol...@oracle.com> wrote:
> Hi Chris,
> Adding in hotspot-runtime-dev now that you have included the VM side of the 
> cleanup. What repo are you planning on pushing this to?

Since there are now changes in the hotspot area, then it
probably makes sense to push this through jdk/hs. 

> ...
> Can you fix an existing typo please:
> !  * error if it is not marked propertly.
> propertly -> properly


> Also you seem to have missed this test reference:
> ./langtools/tools/jdeps/jdkinternals/src/p/Main.java:        Class<?> caller 
> = Reflection.getCallerClass(2);

Oops. Adding langtools testing too.

Updated webrev:

What’s the correct set of tests and route into jdk/hs these
days? I’ve not pushed there in a while.


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