Indeed I had suppressed all memory of runFinalizersOnExit.  (Sorry about
I support removing it in jdk11.
Mandy, would you like to file the CSR?

On Wed, Feb 14, 2018 at 1:15 PM, mandy chung <> wrote:

> On 2/14/18 1:58 AM, Peter Levart wrote:
> I take back this claim. Of course the the following race is possible:
> - Thread1: calls runAllFinalizers and takes a Finalizer from 'unprocessed'
> list.
> - Thread2: takee the same Finalizer instance from ReferenceQueue and calls
> runFinalizer()
> - Thread1: calls runFinalizer() with the same instance for the 2nd time
> now.
> runAllFinalizers is invoked during shutdown when
> System.runFinalizersOnExit has been called.
> I have been wanting to remove System::runFinalizersOnExit [1] which is the
> culprit of causing this complicated handling.   Probably time to remove it
> in 11?
> Mandy
> [1]
> January/031041.html

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