Thanks Stuart. RE apinote, I was trying to follow the pattern of other older 
method comments (Roman-style.) Comments/Javadoc in most of these older classes 
are a mix of styles. Question: if you update/clean-up a method in an older 
class, should you bring the comment/Javadoc up-to-date as well?


— Jim

Sent from my iPhone

> On Feb 28, 2018, at 6:21 PM, Stuart Marks <> wrote:
> Hi Jim,
> Implementation looks good. I'd suggest a couple small editorial changes to 
> the spec:
> 2966     /**
> 2967      * Returns a string whose value is the concatenation of this
> 2968      * string repeated {@code count} times.
> 2969      * <p>
> 2970      * If count or length is zero then the empty string is returned.
> I went looking for a 'length' parameter, until I realized it means the length 
> of *this string*. So maybe clarify that. (And also line 2977.)
> 2971      * <p>
> 2972      * This method may be used to create space padding for
> 2973      * formatting text or zero padding for formatting numbers.
> I don't think having this text is necessary, but if you want it, I'd suggest 
> putting it into an @apiNote.
> 2974      * @param   count number of times to repeat
> 2975      * @return  A string composed of this string repeated
> 2976      *          {@code count} times or the empty string if count
> 2977      *          or length is zero.
> Thanks,
> s'marks
>> On 2/28/18 8:31 AM, Jim Laskey wrote:
>> Introduction of a new instance method String::repeat to allow an efficient 
>> and concise approach for generating repeated character sequences as strings.
>> Performance information in JBS.
>> Thank you.
>> Cheers,
>> — Jim
>> JBS: 
>> <>
>> CSR:
>>  <>
>> Webrev: 
>> <>
>> JavaDoc: 
>> <>

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