Hi all,


Please review the fix for JDK8u Backport of 

Webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~rpatil/8186171/webrev.00/


Summary(also added to backport bug description):


The back port for test files is not clean back port as all tests files are 
extending JSR166TestCase.java which was added to JDK 9 as part of HYPERLINK 
"https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8146467"JDK-8146467: Integrate JSR 
166 jck tests into JDK repo. This is not present in JDK8 version.

Therefore, I have extracted test are relevant to the fix done JDK-8186171 and 
created a new test file Bug8186171Test.java that contains below two test 


.         testBug8186171NonDeterministic : This method is copy of 
"testBug8186171" present in "MapTest.java" of original changeset 
http://hg.openjdk.java.net/jdk10/master/rev/3f5f9bc0bdc2. As it is based on 
randomization and runs 1000 times, the method name is suffixed with 

.         testBug8186171Deterministic : This is a new method that runs single 
time as it produces the exact scenario mentioned in JDK-8186171. Therefore, it 
is not needed to run multiple times to produce the scenario mentioned in bug. 
Hence the method name is suffixed with "Deterministic"




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