Hi Erik,

The modifications to the logging test look good to me.
Caveat: I don't speak chinese nor japanese ;-)


-- daniel

On 13/06/18 20:47, Erik Joelsson wrote:

Oracle will reduce the number of languages that it maintains translations of JDK resources for. The current translations will remain in the source for now, but we need a way to filter out a set of translations at build time so that we only include the ones we support. This patch adds such a configuration option. It also changes how Oracle builds by using the option to exclude all translations except English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese. Anyone else building OpenJDK will by default include all translations present in the source, just as before.

I added a test that verifies this for builds with the "IMPLEMENTOR" field in the release file set to "Oracle Corporation". The test will not be run for other OpenJDK builds.

I had to modify an existing test for java.logging which used various translations to verify localized log messages to only use translations that Oracle chooses to include.

Since this is the second test that specifically verifies build behavior, I moved the previous such test together with this new test into a common top level test directory "build", under the jdk test root. I put these tests in the jdk tier3 test group.

I have run all tier1, 2 and 3 tests in Mach 5 as well as specifically looked for tests that use the java.util.Locale class and ran them locally.

Webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~erikj/8204973/webrev.01/index.html

Bug: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8204973


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