Hi all,

I wanted to restart review of the changeset for bug JDK-8060192 [1]. The latest webrev is here: [2].

The previous review was from December 2017: [3]. The only difference between the current changeset and the previous one is the removal of the overriding implementations (see explanation below). Much of the discussion in the previous review thread was around performance and the shape of the API.

# Performance

I previously had done some benchmarking on this and reported the results: [4]. (I've recently re-done the benchmarks and conclusions are essentially the same.)

The upshot is that implementations that use Arrays.copyOf() are the fastest, probably because it's an intrinsic. It can avoid zero-filling the freshly allocated array because it knows the entire array contents will be overwritten. This is true regardless of what the public API looks like. The default implementation calls generator.apply(0) to get a zero-length array and then simply calls toArray(T[]). This goes through the Arrays.copyOf() fast path, so it's essentially the same speed as toArray(new T[0]).

The overrides I had previously provided in specific implementation classes like ArrayList actually are slower, because the allocation of the array is done separately from filling it. This necessitates the extra zero-filling step. Thus, I've removed the overrides.

# API Shape

There was some discussion about whether it would be preferable to have a Class parameter as a type token for the array component type or the array type itself, instead of using an IntFunction generator. Most of this boils down to what people are comfortable with. However, there are a few points that make the generator function approach preferable.

One point in favor of using a generator is that Stream already has a similar toArray(generator) method.

Comparing this to the type token alternatives, for simple tasks like converting Collection<String> to String[], things are about equal:


However, things are hairier if the element type of the collection is generic, such as Collection<List<String>>. The result type is a generic array List<String>[]. Using class literals or array constructor references will necessitate using an unchecked cast, because none of these can be used to represent a generic type.

However, it's possible to use a method reference to provide a properly generic IntFunction. This would enable the toArray(generator) method to be used without any unchecked casts. (The method it refers to might need have an unchecked cast within it, though.) Such a method could also be reused for the corresponding Stream.toArray(generator) method.

For these reasons I'd like to proceed with adding toArray(generator) API.



[1] https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8060192

[2] http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~smarks/reviews/8060192/webrev.3/



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