Hi Chris,

Looks ok.

For future tests, I think I would put the contents of the initContext() methods inline in the test method so the setup and the testing of the conditions were in the same method, making it easier to read.

Thanks, Roger

On 8/6/2018 11:53 PM, Chris Yin wrote:
Hi, Roger

Thanks a lot for your review and comments, inline and updated webrev as below, 


On 6 Aug 2018, at 10:58 PM, Roger Riggs <roger.ri...@oracle.com> wrote:

Hi Chris,

EnvTestBase.java:  The class and each of the methods should have javadoc with a 
descriptive comment
to make the test construction easier to understand for future maintenance 
especially since
they are shared/overridden and used by many of the test cases.
For example, verifyEnvProperty should say what is true about a valid property.
With many layers of inherited test methods it needs easier to understand what 
comes from where.
Build good habits with writing complete sentences with capitalization and 
punctuation in comments.
Sure, I added javadoc to EnvTestBase class and shared/override methods (except 
getter/setter), will also complement javadoc to test base class in other review 
thread, thanks

initContext() belongs in DNSTestBase along with context() and setContext() to 
avoid splitting that
function across multiple classes.
Or remove initContext() since it is overridden in several tests (without 
calling super) and
just call setContext() with new InitialDirContext(env()) consistently in each 
Yep, I hesitated at first whether put initContext() to DNSTestBase, after look 
through many dns test cases, I found there are a lot of tests may need to 
override it and some case to use parameterized method will be easier (such as 
initContext(String, String) used in Factory Tests), so I decided to leave it to 
each sub test base or tests to customize. Anyway we could refactor it later if 
we found that way better.
For now I removed initContext() from EnvTestBase as you suggested in 2nd and 
used private initContext() for complex initialization or just call setContext 
with new InitialDirContext(env()) for simple one, thanks

ProviderUrlGen.java should not mention SWAN by name as it is an internal 
(and that's not the current name).
Sure, removed that name

RemoveInherited.java: for strings that need to be consistent across the test, 
they should be defined as
final statics so there is only one declaration.
Fixed as your suggested

Thanks & Regards,

Thanks, Roger

On 8/6/2018 3:09 AM, Chris Yin wrote:
Thank you, Vyom


On 6 Aug 2018, at 2:02 PM, vyom tewari <vyom.tew...@oracle.com> wrote:

Hi Chris,

Latest webrev looks good to me.



On Friday 03 August 2018 02:46 PM, Chris Yin wrote:
Hi, Vyom

Thank a lot for your review and comments, inline and update new webrev as below


On 3 Aug 2018, at 3:45 PM, vyom tewari <vyom.tew...@oracle.com> wrote:

Hi Chris,

Overall looks good to me, couple of minor comment.

1-> ProviderUrlGen.java, Line:100 Exception e can be replaced with specific  
Fixed, thanks

2-> In couple of  places we are calling "removeFromEnvironment" on context and spec says it will return 
"null" if the env is not set. I  see that we are setting the required env in "initContext"  so it will never be 
"null" in our tests, but i  suggest you to put just one liner comment that "val" can not be null. This is just 
to improve code readability, please feel free to ignore, if you think it is not worth enough.
Sure, added one line comment before each “removeFromEnvironment” call as you 




On Monday 30 July 2018 08:41 AM, Chris Yin wrote:
Please find the new webrev as below, it addressed some similar issues which 
mentioned in review comments from another thread RFR 8200151, thanks

webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~xyin/8208279/webrev.01/ 


On 26 Jul 2018, at 3:37 PM, Chris Yin <xu.y....@oracle.com> wrote:

Please review the changes to add another 8 JNDI tests to 
com/sun/jndi/dns/EnvTests/ in OpenJDK, thanks

bug: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8208279 
webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~xyin/8208279/webrev.00/ 


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