>From what I can see, File is more widely used than Path. Thats partly
because using Path is non-obvious - it doesn't have any methods for
doing anything.

I've suggested before that a default method could be added, so you get


which would make `Path` more palatable for general use.


On 6 August 2018 at 13:15, Remi Forax <fo...@univ-mlv.fr> wrote:
> Hi all,
> restarting discussion about JDK-8181098,
> java.io.File has several severe issues so we should alert users to migrate to 
> use java.nio.file.[Path|Files] ASAP using the deprecation mechanism 
> (obviously not for removal).
> The usual gotchas
> - File used string name which may do not map correctly with the underlying 
> file system charset.
> - methods that are developer hostile
>   - methods that performs an action on the file system file returns a false 
> if there is an issue instead of an IOException
>   - methods that list files return null instead of an IOException if there is 
> an issue.
> - reading/writing into a file (using 
> File[InputStream|OutputStream|Reader|Writer]) doesn't default to UTF8.
> I see two ways of deprecation, one is to deprecate the whole class, it has 
> the advantage of making the things clear, the other is to deprecate the 
> constructors and all methods that acts on the file of the file system. The 
> later option allows library to still have methods that takes a java.io.File 
> as parameter if their implementation use toPath() to perform the operations.
> regards,
> RĂ©mi

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