Hi Ioi,

Here is the updated webrev with the warning message below for the Integer cache.


 995      *
 996      * WARNING: The cache is archived with CDS and reloaded from the shared  997      * archive at runtime. The archived cache (Integer[]) and Integer objects  998      * reside in the closed archive heap regions. Care should be taken when  999      * changing the implementation and the cache array should not be assigned
1000      * with new Integer object(s) after initialization.

Including core-lib-dev mailing list since the change now touches the core library file.


On 11/1/18 10:58 PM, Jiangli Zhou wrote:
Hi Ioi,

On Nov 1, 2018, at 9:37 PM, Ioi Lam <ioi....@oracle.com> wrote:

Hi Jiangli,

  576 void HeapShared::check_closed_archive_heap_region_object(InstanceKlass* k,
  577                                                          Thread* THREAD) {
  578   // Check fields in the object
  579   for (JavaFieldStream fs(k); !fs.done(); fs.next()) {
  580     if (!fs.access_flags().is_static()) {
  581       BasicType ft = fs.field_descriptor().field_type();
  582       if (!fs.access_flags().is_final() && (ft == T_ARRAY || T_OBJECT)) {
  583         ResourceMark rm(THREAD);
  584         log_warning(cds, heap)(
  585           "Please check reference field in %s instance in closed archive heap 
region: %s %s",
  586           k->external_name(), (fs.name())->as_C_string(),
  587           (fs.signature())->as_C_string());
  588       }
  589     }
  590   }
  591 }

Checking that all static fields of the affected class (IntegerCache in this 
case) are final is not enough. The elements of a final array can be modified.
Just to clarify, the above checks all instance fields (non-static fields) in 
non-array objects. Static fields are not checked as mirrors are not in the 
closed archive heap region. In the IntegerCache subgraph case, it makes sure 
there is no non-final reference instance field in cached Integer objects (for 
future proof).
JLS requires that
If the value p being boxed is an integer literal of type int between -128 and 
127 inclusive (§3.10.1), or the boolean literal true or false (§3.10.3), or a 
character literal between '\u0000' and '\u007f' inclusive (§3.10.4), then let a 
and b be the results of any two boxing conversions of p. It is always the case 
that a == b.
However, there's no requirement that all these special literal values must be 
created at system bootstrap time. So it's conceivable that IntegerCache may be 
rewritten to create the object dynamically:

   public static Integer valueOf(int i) {
       if (i >= IntegerCache.low && i <= IntegerCache.high) {
+       if (IntegerCache.cache[i + (-IntegerCache.low)] == null) {
+         IntegerCache.cache[i + (-IntegerCache.low)] = new Integer(i);
+       }
         return IntegerCache.cache[i + (-IntegerCache.low)];
       return new Integer(i);

Now, is this likely to happen? Probably not. However, in HotSpot, we should not 
assume that the library will always stay the same, and that the library writer 
knows what HotSpot requires.
So your suggestion was to add warnings specifically for Integer cache array. 
Looks like I’ve given it a much deeper interpretation.

I’ll add a warning about the cache. Will send new webrev tomorrow.


- Ioi

On 11/1/18 3:47 PM, Jiangli Zhou wrote:
Hi Ioi,

Thanks for the review. I renamed both fields as suggested and added a warning 
for closed_archive_subgraph_entry_fields. A standalone warning message in 
Integer.java could be overlooked, so I added 
HeapShared::check_closed_archive_heap_region_object() for checking the 
instances being included in the closed archive heap regions at dump time.




On 10/31/18 8:52 PM, Ioi Lam wrote:
Hi Jiangli,

static ArchivableStaticFieldInfo shareable_subgraph_entry_fields[] = {...}
static ArchivableStaticFieldInfo subgraph_entry_fields[] = {...}

Maybe these should be renamed to {open/closed}_archive_subgraph_entry_fields?

Also, I think we should add a strong warning about what objects can be placed 
in closed_archive_subgraph_entry_fields[]. Any references stored in these 
objects must not be modified at run time (or else we could have a pointer that 
from the closed region to the outside, violating the properties of the closed 

Maybe we should also add a warning in Integer.java, something akin to "if you modify 
this class, check to see if it can still meet the requirements in heapShared.cpp"?

The rest of the code seems OK to me.

As a future improvement, for all the objects whose fields are all 
non-reference, final fields, maybe we can automatically put them in the closed 
archive region? For example, all archived primitive box objects are in this 

- Ioi

On 10/31/18 12:45 PM, Jiangli Zhou wrote:
On 10/31/18 12:08 PM, Jiangli Zhou wrote:

Hi Ioi,

Here is an updated webrev with renaming of the 'is_shared' argument. I decided 
to go with your suggestion, 'is_closed_archive'.

BTW, in above webrev, I also included a typo fix for the following warning that 
Mandy found (thanks Mandy!)

@@ -1324,11 +1329,11 @@
    // header data
    const char* prop = Arguments::get_property("java.system.class.loader");
    if (prop != NULL) {
      warning("Archived non-system classes are disabled because the "
              "java.system.class.loader property is specified (value = \"%s\"). 
-            "To use archived non-system classes, this property must be not be 
set", prop);
+            "To use archived non-system classes, this property must not be 
set", prop);
      _has_platform_or_app_classes = false;



On 10/30/18 4:19 PM, Jiangli Zhou wrote:
Hi Ioi,

On 10/30/18 3:00 PM, Ioi Lam wrote:

Hi Jiangli,

This looks promising.

Now a full review yet, but I am wondering about the name of the is_shared 

   void add_subgraph_entry_field(int static_field_offset, oop v, bool 

Since this is part of "heapShared", everything is "shared" in some sense of the 
word. It could be confusing to say something is more shared than other things which also shared ...

How "is_closed_archive" instead?
Yes, our 'shared' has broader meaning. "is_closed_archive" or "is_closed_space" 
sounds good to me. I'll rename.

- Ioi

On 10/30/2018 01:57 PM, Jiangli Zhou wrote:
Please review the following change for moving the archived Integer.IntegerCache 
and it's cached Integer objects (256) to the closed archiving heap region. The 
IntegerCache subgraph does not contain any reference that's changed at runtime 
(good candidate for sharing). Moving the whole subgraph into the closed archive 
heap region allows the memory to be shared by different JVM instances at 
runtime. The saving is 4K per JVM instance running the same or different java 
application simultaneously. Although 4K is not significant, in a larger picture 
the saving is much bigger (4k * (JVM_instance_num - 1) * host_num).

As part of the change, I also restructured the code to allow us to plug in more 
shareable subgraphs in the closed archive heap region for runtime footprint 
saving in the future.

The 'st' space is renamed to 'ca' (closed archive) space since it now contains 
other types of objects besides j.l.Strings.

webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~jiangli/8212995/webrev.00/
RFE: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8212995


mc  space:      8416 [  0.0% of total] out of     12288 bytes [ 68.5% used] at 
rw  space:   3946640 [ 21.4% of total] out of   3948544 bytes [100.0% used] at 
ro  space:   7319328 [ 39.6% of total] out of   7319552 bytes [100.0% used] at 
md  space:      2416 [  0.0% of total] out of      4096 bytes [ 59.0% used] at 
od  space:   6475944 [ 35.0% of total] out of   6479872 bytes [ 99.9% used] at 
st0 space:    438272 [  2.4% of total] out of    438272 bytes [100.0% used] at 0x00000007ffc00000 
oa0 space:    282624 [  1.5% of total] out of    282624 bytes [100.0% used] at 0x00000007ff800000 
total    :  18473640 [100.0% of total] out of  18485248 bytes [ 99.9% used]


mc  space:      8416 [  0.0% of total] out of     12288 bytes [ 68.5% used] at 
rw  space:   3946640 [ 21.4% of total] out of   3948544 bytes [100.0% used] at 
ro  space:   7319304 [ 39.6% of total] out of   7319552 bytes [100.0% used] at 
md  space:      2416 [  0.0% of total] out of      4096 bytes [ 59.0% used] at 
od  space:   6475920 [ 35.0% of total] out of   6479872 bytes [ 99.9% used] at 
ca0 space:    442368 [  2.4% of total] out of    442368 bytes [100.0% used] at 0x00000007ffc00000 
oa0 space:    278528 [  1.5% of total] out of    278528 bytes [100.0% used] at 0x00000007ff800000 
total    :  18473592 [100.0% of total] out of  18485248 bytes [ 99.9% used]

Tested with appcds tests on linux-x64 locally. Running tier1-teir4 tests.



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