Hi Alan,

On 1/26/19 8:38 PM, Alan Snyder wrote:
My usage of GetStringUTFChars was to pass a String as a parameter to a system 
call that takes a NUL-terminated UTF-8 string (a file path). Obviously, the 
system call does not accept strings containing NUL. I suspect this is a common 

Therefore, my needs would be met by a (new) primitive that returns UTF-8 and 
fails if the String contains NUL.

I had similar needs when interfacing a native library and resorted to encoding the string in Java into a NUL terminated native ByteBuffer, which I then used in JNI code to obtain a pointer to native memory containing the encoded bytes. So I used ByteBuffer parameters in place where Strings would be passed to native methods...

Regards, Peter

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