Hi Remi,

David is right - a few more details:

In both fork- and vfork-mode we fork/vfork the child process and in the
child process then exec() the target binary (in this case "java" itself).

In posix_spawn mode, for complicated reasons, we start, via posix_spawn(),
the jspawnhelper - which, depending on the glibc involved, will either
vfork() or clone() the child process and then exec() the jspawnhelper
binary. Then, inside the jspawnhelper, we will exec() a second time, this
time the target binary.

(So, small correction, we do not have an intermediate _process_ here - at
any time only two processes are involved, the parent and the child - but
inside the child we call exec() twice.)

If you get EACCESS only in posix_spawn() mode, the only difference to
fork/vfork is that we exec() jspawnhelper. That is a binary located in the
jdk and should have the correct permissions set.

If you have a reproducible scenario, can you strace the call? (you would
probably need "strace -f", and if you see in the output the jspawnhelper
path with either _vfork or _clone system calls it worked).

Cheers, Thomas

On Sat, May 11, 2019 at 5:15 PM David Lloyd <david.ll...@redhat.com> wrote:

> On Sat, May 11, 2019 at 9:49 AM Remi Forax <fo...@univ-mlv.fr> wrote:
> >
> > I've seen a weird error on my CI [1] since the 15th of February when
> using the jdk 13,
> > i was not able to run jshell* using the programmatic API (java tool)
> anymore.
> >
> > Yesterday, i took the time to track that issue and i believe i've found
> the root cause, trying to execute the java launcher using
> ProcessBuilder.start() with the jdk 13 sometimes fails with an i/o
> exception (errno 13) which is weird because you are trying to execute the
> same process that the one you are executing. Note that this is a spurious
> bug, I was not able to find the exact condition that triggers that bug.
> > So sometime it works, sometime it doesn't.
> Assuming you're running on Linux (given that the changeset only
> applies to Linux), errno 13 is EACCES which would indicate a
> filesystem permission issue.  Are you sure you have permission to
> execute `jspawnhelper` in your JVM installation?  Could there be an
> SELinux restriction in place?
> Here's what the man page says:
> ```
>      [EACCES]           Search permission is denied for a component of
> the path prefix.
>      [EACCES]           The new process file is not an ordinary file.
>      [EACCES]           The new process file mode denies execute
> permission.
>      [EACCES]           The new process file is on a filesystem
> mounted with execution
>                         disabled (MNT_NOEXEC in <sys/mount.h>).
> ```
> > If i pass -Djdk.lang.Process.launchMechanism=fork (or vfork) when
> starting the VM, the bug disappear meaning that the bug occurs when the VM
> is trying to use posix_spawn, perhaps spawn is trying to do an optimization
> when you try to execute the same process as the one you are running under
> some conditions ?
> The posix_spawn approach executes an intermediate support process
> (`jspawnhelper`) which in turn executes the target process.  I believe
> there's an extensive discussion on the reasons for this in the
> `core-libs-dev` archive.
> --
> - DML

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