Hi Claes!

Looks good to me, thanks!

LookBehindNode may be better named LookBehindEndNode, as it should only match at the very end of the look-behind token.

With kind regards,


On 6/4/19 1:58 AM, Claes Redestad wrote:

please review this j.u.regex.Pattern cleanup.

- refactor BitClass to be a BmpCharPredicate (which allows removing
two identical(!) lambdas), which improves startup and reduces
allocations when compiling Patterns.
- remove unused GroupRef class
- made anonymous lookbehindEnd Node instance into an explicit class
which will be lazily rather than eagerly loaded
- various cleanups of unused variables, methods and redundant

Webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~redestad/8225179/open.00/
Bug:    https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8225179

Testing: tier1-3



With kind regards,
Ivan Gerasimov

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