> On Jul 1, 2019, at 2:47 AM, Robert Lichtenberger <r.lichtenber...@gmail.com> 
> wrote:
> While trying to update our application to the (ea-version of) jpackager I
> noticed that the executable files are now in a bin/ subdirectory, which
> will make the application update from javapackager a real pain.
> For Linux this can be argumented with the Filesystem Hierarchy Standard but
> under Windows it is not common or standard to do so. The .exe file for an
> application is expected to live in the base installation directory.

It can also be argued that on Windows it is more common to launch the 
application from a shortcut in the Start menu, on the Desktop, or in the launch 
I get that this is a change from the previous behaviour so some adjustments 
need to be made, but how bad is it really? 
The JDK has always had a bin directory and many other applications follow this 
pattern on Windows as well. 

> Is there any chance this can still be changed or made configurable?

Making it configurable makes the most sense. But it may get complicated as the 
launcher exe needs to find the .cfg file without any additional info. Maybe the 
relative path to the .cfg file can be injected into the exe at build time, much 
like customizing the exe’s icon?



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