I use a very similar workflow, but I’m building for all platforms. I want the 
image to produce a simple zipped version of the app, and I want all the 
installer/bundles/packages as well. 

I also agree with all of the “would be nice to haves” - Particularly 
service/daemon support. 
I also agree with the recent comments here about getting back the user options 
support and having a way for args in the configure file to stay and be 
augmented by arguments added on the command line by the user. 


> On Sep 5, 2019, at 8:51 AM, Rachel Greenham <rac...@strangenoises.org> wrote:
> (Sorry for non-threading, i read the digest)
> As you've been lacking feedback from people using the jpackage EA builds, 
> here's mine FWIW.
> I've been quiet because it's been working well enough for us. That said, our 
> needs and process probably simplify matters in that:
> 1. We're only producing Windows installers
> 2. We've been lucky in having patient clients during this post-webstart, 
> post-javapackager disruption.
> 3. We were happy to modify our versioning to match Windows standards
> 4. Our application is non-modular
> 5. We do it in three steps: jlink to make a JRE, then jpackage to make an app 
> image, then jpackage again to make both an exe and msi installer based on 
> that image. (client slow to reply which one they'd actually prefer!) Not 
> trying to do everything in one step.
> Since the fix that made new versions of our app correctly replace older ones 
> I've mostly just been testing new EA builds to make sure they don't break it! 
> They do sometimes, usually because of changes in the parameter names, and of 
> course we lost our Inno Setup customisations. I haven't yet made any attempt 
> to customise the EXE setup installer since then.
> Would be nice:
> 1. For it to use the supplied app icon for the installer, or be able to 
> supply another specifically for the installer. For it to be shown in the 
> installer in some fashion. Other exe customisations of straightforward 
> branding and/or flags to control what questions they're asked would be very 
> nice.
> 2. For it to be able to sign the installer in the fashion of, or actually 
> using, signtool. (Ideally internalised as installing signtool itself is a 
> pain.) Currently that's an extra step after the installers are built
> But I can wait for them, I want it in a release so I can use it via 
> ToolProvider rather than execing an external JDK. All the while it's the way 
> it is it massively complicates the build.
> Later would-be-nices, not for this desktop app, but ability to use it to 
> package background service-type apps, as a service for windows, using launchd 
> for osx, and systemd for linux.
> -- 
> Rachel

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