
This change replaces the HTML code tag with the equivalent javadoc tag in the java.base module as such:

<code>foo</code> becomes {@code foo}

Ignored are any code tags that enclose other HTML or javadoc tags or that contain HTML entities, e.g. character codes.

Examples (after change):


51 * ignored.  The comment character is {@code '#'} (<code>'&#92;u0023'</code>); on


625 * <code>new&nbsp;File(this.{@link #getCanonicalPath})</code>.

I reviewed the change with specdiff and doccheck on the java.base module, neither flagged any differences or errors. I also reviewed the javadoc of some classes manually but did not do an extensive manual review.

Bug: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8231186

Webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~jboes/webrevs/8231186/webrev.02/

The copyright year will be updated before generating the changeset.



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