looks good


On 10/30/19 8:37 PM, Alexander Matveev wrote:

- Added trace to Hello.java.
- Re-done how FA is excluded for DMG tests.


On 10/29/2019 10:42 AM, Alexey Semenyuk wrote:

To disable running the test for dmg packaging, just call packageTest.excludeTypes(PackageType.MAC_DMG) like this is done in FileAssociationsTest test.

The way PackageTest.isCurrentType() is used in AdditionalLaunchersTest would disable fa checks for pkg packaging if the test would be executed in the environment that supports both dmg and pkg packaging. If you'd take a look at Mach5 test logs, you will see that the same test is used to produce and verify pkg and dmg packages in one run. Similarly on Windows tests build and verify exe and msi installers in a single test run.

So I'd suggest to remove PackageTest.isCurrentType() at all from PackageTest class. It is not needed.

- Alexey

On 10/29/2019 1:19 AM, Alexander Matveev wrote:
Changes since last review:


- Hello.java combined into one test app and will be used by all tests.
- appOutput.txt will be created in same folder as file used for file association.
- Other minor changes.


On 10/23/19 10:07 AM, Andy Herrick wrote:
looks ok to me


On 10/22/2019 5:29 PM, Alexander Matveev wrote:
Please review the jpackage fix for bug [1] at [2].

This is a fix for the JDK-8200758-branch branch of the open sandbox repository (jpackage).

- Removed --mac-app-store-category.
- Added Hello.java test app to support file association on OS X.
- Modified Hello.java to write output file to user home location if working directory is not writable. - Fixed MacHelper:getInstallationDirectory(). It was returning extra /Applications when --install-dir is specified. - Fixed SigningPackageTest to use path returned by withExplodedDmg correctly. - Added install/uninstall support for pkg and dmg to manage_packages.sh. - Fixed replaceFileName(), otherwise on OS X it was not replacing file name correctly, since file name does not have extension.
- Added NameWithSpaceTest.
- Removed OptionsTest which is covered by other tests.

[1] https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8232186

[2] http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~almatvee/8232186/webrev.02/


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