The next EA build of JPackage is available at

Build 14-jpackage+1-70 (2019/11/12) contains the following changes (since Build Build 14-jpackage+1-64 on 2019/10/28):

JDK-8233594     create a new option --bind-services to pass on to jlink
JDK-8233636     Make jpackage an incubator and remove tool provider implementation
JDK-8233591     Reorder jpackage help text to focus on package creation
JDK-8233592     change --package-type option name to --type and allow -t short form JDK-8232919     If user installs msi and exe, two installations are found in Add/Remove
JDK-8232186     Add verification for pkg and dmg tests
JDK-8233265     jpackage --add-modules cannot find additional modules with non-modular app JDK-8233333     Incorrect comparison of number version strings in ToolValidator
JDK-8233143     RPM errors: rpmbuild: no spec files given for build
JDK-8233138     Error 2343 when using --win-dir-chooser
JDK-8233218     rpm uninstall errors (xdg-icon-resource: the icon size must be specified with --size)
JDK-8233114     uninstalling app removes shortcut directory

please send feedback to

/Andy Herrick

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