On Wed, Nov 20, 2019 at 8:59 AM Alan Bateman <alan.bate...@oracle.com> wrote:
> On 20/11/2019 13:50, David Lloyd wrote:
> > :
> > OK, but this decision violates both the old and updated spec (and
> > makes it difficult to write code that works in both cases: in
> > situations that reject absolute URLs (javac) and in situations that
> > reject drive letters (this code)), so I would request that this be
> > revisited.
> >
> This cannot be rushed as it require detailed security analysis.

Sure, whatever process is necessary should be undertaken.  Hopefully
there is not a lot to do in terms of security analysis for this
particular change though; I imagine it's more of just running through
the process.  But when the just-rewritten code doesn't meet the
just-rewritten spec, I think it's warranted.

> Is there
> any reason why you need to encode absolute file paths as relative URLs?
> I assume the use-case discussed here will work if File::toURI or toURL
> is used to create the file URL as it will have the "file:" scheme.

I'll see where the usages are.  I believe at least one usage is out of
our control though, and I'm pretty sure that Maven uses absolute paths
for surefire and failsafe (test) launching.


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