webrev.01 is incorrect, since it uses JTREG_ prefix for variables name.

Correct webrev is http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~almatvee/8235252/webrev.02/
It is identical to webrev.01, except prefix of variable names changed to JT_.


On 12/10/19 3:54 PM, Alexander Matveev wrote:
- Updated script to use JT_HOME first if set, then use JT_BUNDLE_URL if set. - Also, renamed JTREG_ to JT_ in variables names to align with rest of JDK.

Not sure why we did not use jtreg used by all the other tests. run_tests.sh used for convenience to generate and verify packages generated by jpackage. This process done in 5 stages: generating packages (jtreg test), installation (requires user input), verify installation, uninstall (requires user input) and verify uninstall. This is why we using helper script to simplify this process.


On 12/10/2019 3:32 PM, Alexey Semenyuk wrote:
http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~almatvee/8235252/webrev.01/ looks good.

- Alexey

On 12/10/2019 4:49 PM, Jonathan Gibbons wrote:
This seems ... surprising.

Why is the instance of jtreg used for all the other tests not good enough here?

-- Jon

On 12/10/19 1:35 PM, Alexander Matveev wrote:
Please review simple script fix [2] for jpackage bug [1].

 - Modified script to download jtreg bundle from URL provided by environment variable JTREG_BUNDLE_URL.


[1] https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8235252

[2] http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~almatvee/8235252/webrev.00/

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