On 05/05/2020 20:56, Jim Laskey wrote:
This fix addresses the inconsistent ordering by jimage content by jlink from 
run to run. Bottom line, the implementer was using HashSet without defining 
hashcode/equals for the Set entry classes.

webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~jlaskey/8241602/webrev-00 
jbs: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8241602 

DirArchive and JmodArchive look okay. They could use Objects.hash/equals but what you have is okay too. Can you re-check JarArchive as it is created with a runtime version so equals should be checking 3 fields.

The existing test for reproducible builds is JLinkReproducibleTest. Adding a new test is okay too but we should at least try to keep the names consistent. A couple of suggestions for the test in the webrev: - the @modules tag needs to include java.desktop as it is needed by the test. Better still would be to change to java.se so that there are more modules in the images. - Did you mean to open jdk.tools.jlink.internal? Maybe its a leftover from a previous iteration of the test? - You can use Files.mismatch to compare the lib/modules files are identical (like JLinkReproducibleTest).  It's okay to use the jimage ImageReaderFactory to check the names tables too but I think it's more important to check that the lib/modules files are identical before probing further.


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