Hi Tagir,
By the way, the proposed API allows no possibility to short-circuit
the pusher. So if mapMulti produces many elements and short-circuiting
terminal operation like anyMatch finds the match, it won't stop the
pusher from pushing. Have you considered to use
BiConsumer<Predicate<T>, T>, so Stream API may signal to the pusher
that it's ok to stop pushing? Note that in modern Java versions,
flatMap can actually short-circuit.

We did prototype mapMulti with a Predicate and it brought to light some limitations that led us to decide against this approach.

1) On the user side, Predicate::test or Predicate::negate would be used to check if it's ok to keep pushing. The semantics of these methods doesn't really fit the use case (short-circuiting requested true/false) and we would probably need to come up with a new method to avoid confusion.

2) Along the lines of 1), but more generally the burden of exposing an implementation detail to the user. You are right that flatMap supports short-circuiting, but it's hidden in the implementation and the user doesn't need to know how it's implemented or how to make it work. For mapMulti however, we would need to expose some of it through the use of Predicate, and explain to the user how to use it correctly.

3) While the JDK implementation uses Sink, a type of Consumer that supports cancellation, the default implementation uses SpinedBuffer, a type of Consumer that does not support cancellation. We would need to add that functionality.

4) The difficulty of signalling a short-circuit request across the stream pipeline, in particular because mapMulti uses flatMap internally, which creates something like an inner nested pipeline. While it's possible to signal across the main outer pipeline, it's not easy to signal between outer and inner pipeline.



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