On 02/07/2020 16:38, Patrick Concannon wrote:
Hi Anthony,
Hi Patrick
Thanks for your suggestion of using a Stream.Builder instead of a Consumer.
Thanks for your response. Since Stream.Builder extends Consumer, I don't see it as "instead of": the proposed signature is a strict superset of the actual signature. For example, it would accept a BiConsumer<Object, Stream.Builder<String>>, whereas the current signature doesn't.
However, one of the goals for mapMulti is not to create an additional Stream.
Would you mind to elaborate on this? Given that Stream.Builder extends Consumer, I don't see why using Stream.Builder would imply having to create any more Streams than when using Consumer.
Also, I fear that using a builder, but throwing an exception on a call to 
build, is counter-intuitive and perhaps confusing to the user.
Point taken, but I beg to differ: to me this is no different than a method `void foo(Consumer<InputStream> bar)` which specifies that the given Consumer must not invoke `close` on the InputStream. Moreover, with the build step being the sole difference with `flatMap`, and the elimination of intermediary Streams being a rather obvious optimization, I believe most users would find it intuitive not to invoke `build` themselves (or they would have read the Javadoc and know not to :)). Finally, using Stream.Builder makes it intuitive for me what the method does, even without considering its name.

Given the above, I still hold that Stream.Builder is a better choice to use in the signature. Even more so, I believe there are several things that hint at the need for an additional abstraction: your point about the potential confusion, the analogy with Collector (as already mentioned by Paul w.r.t. the order of the BiConsumer's type arguments), and the natural similarity between e.g. BiConsumer<T, Stream.Builder<R>> and Function<T, Stream<R>>.

Therefore I'd like to propose the following (complete declarations below):

* introduce a new interface: Transformer<T, I, R> extends Function<T, R>
* adapt Collector to extend it: Collector<T, A, R> extends Transformer<Stream<T>, A, R>

So a Transformer is nothing more than a Function which passes via an intermediary I to map T to R according to a certain protocol.

Then a method with the following signature could be added to Stream:
<R> Stream<R> flatMap(Transformer<? super T, ? super Stream.Builder<R>, ? extends Stream<R>> mapper)

Such a Transformer could readily be created from a given BiConsumer (see Tranformer::of below).

Since Transformer is a subinterface of Function, there wouldn't be any ambiguities w.r.t. overload resolution, so we could just name the new method `flatMap` (I assume such ambiguities are the reason why this currently isn't the case, since Function and BiConsumer are unrelated?).

Below is a self-contained "demo", containing a simple Demo class, the declaration of Transformer, and the adapted declaration of Collector.

Thanks in advance for any feedback.

Kind regards

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.function.BiConsumer;
import java.util.function.BinaryOperator;
import java.util.function.Function;
import java.util.function.Supplier;
import java.util.stream.Stream;

public class Demo {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        BiConsumer<String, Stream.Builder<String>> anagrams = (word, builder) -> {
            if(word.equals("listen")) {


interface Transformer<T, I, R> extends Function<T, R> {

    Supplier<? extends I> supplier();

    BiConsumer<? super T, ? super I> transformer();

    Function<? super I, ? extends R> finisher();

    default R apply(T t) {
        var intermediary = supplier().get();
        transformer().accept(t, intermediary);
        return finisher().apply(intermediary);

    static <U, V> Transformer<U, Stream.Builder<V>, Stream<V>> of(BiConsumer<? super U, ? super Stream.Builder<V>> transformer) {
        return new Transformer<>() {
            public Supplier<Stream.Builder<V>> supplier() {
                return Stream::builder;

            public BiConsumer<U, Stream.Builder<V>> transformer() {
                return transformer::accept;

            public Function<Stream.Builder<V>, Stream<V>> finisher() {
                return Stream.Builder::build;


interface Collector<T, A, R> extends Transformer<Stream<T>, A, R> {

    Supplier<A> supplier();

    BiConsumer<A, T> accumulator();

    BinaryOperator<A> combiner();

    Function<A, R> finisher();

    Set<Characteristics> characteristics();

    enum Characteristics {

    default BiConsumer<Stream<T>, A> transformer() {
        return (stream, intermediary) -> {
            var accumulator = accumulator();
            stream.forEachOrdered(t -> accumulator.accept(intermediary, t));


Kind regards,


On 25 Jun 2020, at 18:12, Anthony Vanelverdinghe <d...@anthonyv.be> wrote:


Given the signature of flatMap is:
<R> Stream<R> flatMap​(Function<? super T, ? extends Stream<? extends R>> 

I'd like to propose the following signature for the new method:
<R> Stream<R> builderMap(BiConsumer<? super T, ? super Stream.Builder<R>> 

This way both methods are named "...Map", and the name "builderMap" follows 
naturally from the argument's type.
If the given mapper invokes Stream.Builder::build, an IllegalStateException 
should be thrown.

Kind regards,

On 25/06/2020 02:58, Paul Sandoz wrote:

We traded CPS style for reusing existing functional interfaces. Originally the 
signature (my first choice) was as you indicate.

By chance it just so happens that the current signature is the same shape as 
that for the accumulating argument type of the three arg collect terminal 

<R> R collect(Supplier<R> supplier,
               BiConsumer<R, ? super T> accumulator,
               BiConsumer<R, R> combiner);

<R> R collect(Supplier<R> supplier,
               ObjIntConsumer<R> accumulator,
               BiConsumer<R, R> combiner);

Same for the accumulator of a Collector too.

However, I suspect you would argue these terminal accumulation cases are 
different from the intermediate case, as we are not accumulating but passing or 
accepting (loosely returning) zero or more elements that replace the input 

It’s my hope that generic specialization will allow the primitive stream types 
to fade into the background, along with the primitive functional interfaces. In 
that respect the addition of three functional interfaces for use on the 
primitive stream types is not so terrible.

Regarding the name, you should have seen the first one :-) it was terrible.

Here’s my few brush strokes on the bike shed. I wonder what people think of mapAccept. The specification 
talks about accepting elements, because that is the operative method name on Consumer. So we can say 
"T is replaced with the elements accepted by the Consumer<R>", or “ The Consumer<R> 
accepts the elements that replace T"


On Jun 24, 2020, at 1:01 PM, John Rose <john.r.r...@oracle.com> wrote:

I like this new API point a lot; it allows flexible, local, temporary
control inversion in the context of one stream transform.

What’s the performance model?  It seems like the SpinedBuffer
implementation makes a worst-case assumption about the number
of pending values, that there will be many instead of zero or one.

But I guess the pipeline stuff already works in terms of pushes, so
the good news might be that this is really just a drill-down from the
user API into the kinds of operations (push-flavored) that go on
most of the time.

OK, so I like the function but I have a beef with its bike shed
color.  First of all, this is a control-inversion (CPS) pattern,
which is very powerful but also notoriously hard to read.
I think that in Java APIs, at least in Stream APIs, code is
easier to read if the logical data flow is from left to right.

(This is a language-specific observation.  Apart from varargs,
Java method APIs read favorably when extra control arguments
are added onto the end of the argument list.  Also, the convention
for generic functional interfaces is that the return value type
goes to the right, e.g., R in Function<A,R>.)

So the BiConsumer is backwards, because the logical return
should be written, if not as a true return (which would appear
at the end of type parameter lists), at the end of the incoming
parameters (and in the last type parameter).

I also think “multi” is needlessly “learned” sounding.  A simple
spatial preposition would work well: mapThrough, mapAcross, etc.
I think I prefer mapAcross because the term “across” can be read
adverbially: “we are mapping T across to Consumer<R>”.


mapAcross(BiConsumer<? super T, Consumer<R>> mapper)
mapAcrossToInt(BiConsumer<? super T, IntConsumer> mapper)
mapAcross​(IntObjConsumer<IntConsumer> mapper)

This does require additional FI’s like IntObjConsumer, but
I think that is a negligible cost.  Making the control inversion
*readable* is the high order bit here, not minimizing the number
of trivial FIs.

(I almost hear David Bowman, in his space suit, saying, “My API…
It’s full of bikesheds!”  There’s a meme for that.)

— John

On Jun 24, 2020, at 3:57 AM, Patrick Concannon <patrick.concan...@oracle.com> 

Could someone please review myself and Julia's RFE and CSR for JDK-8238286 - 
'Add new flatMap stream operation that is more amenable to pushing’?

This proposal is to add a new flatMap-like operation:

`<R> Stream<R> mapMulti(BiConsumer<Consumer<R>, ? super T> mapper)`

to the java.util.Stream class. This operation is more receptive to the pushing 
or yielding of values than the current implementation that internally assembles 
values (if any) into one or more streams. This addition includes the primitive 
variations of the operation i.e. mapMultiToInt, IntStream mapMulti, etc.

issue: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8238286 
csr: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8248166 

webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~pconcannon/8238286/webrevs/webrev.00/ 

Kind regards,
Patrick & Julia

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