
I looked a bit at the allocations themselves, but first answering questions.

On 15.07.20 15:25, David Holmes wrote:
> On 15/07/2020 10:18 pm, Jim Laskey wrote:
>> Thomas explained: That large objects are never moved (outstanding
>> issue) So, it's possible to fragment the -Xmx4g such that a 2G object
>> can't be allocated,
> Naively one would expect that whatever memory was consumed by
> String maxString = "*".repeat(MAX_ARRAY_LENGTH);
> in OOM2, would be fully freed and available for use by the same
> statememt in OOM3. But without knowing the exact allocation patterns

This is true.

Augmenting OOM3 code with allocations/gcs:

Heap has 2.05g (1030 regions)
Allocation 1 for 1025 regions, 2g

- concurrent mark start pause because of humongous allocation attempt; heap has 2.05g - not enough free space, so do a young collection, elevate to full collection -> heap shrunk to 2M
  - allocation goes through

1)      String maxString = "*".repeat(MAX_ARRAY_LENGTH);
        try {

Allocation 2 for 2048 regions(!), 4g
  - concurrent start pause because of humongous allocation attempt
- not enough free space, so do a young collection, elevate to full collection -> heap stays at 2.05g -> OOME

2)          new StringJoiner(maxString, "", maxString).toString();
            fail("Should have thrown OutOfMemoryError");

Two observations:
- I ask myselves how that test could have ever failed (i.e. not throw an OOME). A 4g allocation on a 4g heap can in practice never succeed. This is very suspicious.

- It is also interesting why Allocation 2 internally has been truncated to a 2048 region allocation. It should be 2049 (4g + 16 bytes header?). Checking at lower layers, memory management get a request for 4294967296 bytes which is exactly 2^32... this is too small for that object. Something is truncating that string. Printing it gives a length of 2147483639 chars (i.e. 2^32-1-9). I assume that is correct to silently truncate the result string?


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