On Wed, 9 Sep 2020 08:18:11 GMT, Gilles Duboscq <g...@openjdk.org> wrote:

> [JDK-8232806](https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8232806) introduced the
> jdk.internal.lambda.disableEagerInitialization system property to be able to 
> disable eager initialization of lambda
> classes. This was necessary to prevent side effects of class initializers 
> triggered by such initialization in the
> context of the GraalVM native image tool.  However, the change as it is 
> implemented means that the behaviour of
> non-capturing lambdas depends on the value of `disableEagerInitialization`: 
> when it is false (the default) such lambdas
> are actually a singleton while when it is true, a fresh instance is returned 
> every time.  Programs should definitely
> _not_ rely on reference equality since the Java spec does not guarantee it. 
> However, in order to separate concern and
> ease debugging such bad programs, `disableEagerInitialization` shouldn't 
> influence the singleton vs. fresh instance
> behaviour of lambdas in either direction.

test/langtools/tools/javac/lambda/lambdaExpression/LambdaTest6.java line 29:

> 27:  * @summary Add lambda tests
> 28:  *   Test bridge methods for certain SAM conversions
> 29:  *   Test the set of generate fields

I would suggest to consider having the test under 
test/jdk/(java/lang/invoke/lambda), not under


PR: https://git.openjdk.java.net/jdk/pull/93

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