On Tue, 3 Nov 2020 22:36:34 GMT, John Paul Adrian Glaubitz 
<glaub...@openjdk.org> wrote:

>> With clang 10.0, the compiler now detects a new class of warnings. The 
>> `misleading-indentation` warning has previously been disabled on gcc for 
>> hotspot and libfdlibm.  Now we need to disable it for clang as well.
> Why do we disable the warning instead of fixing the incorrect indentations?

@glaubitz Good question. :) If you want to start fixing code to get rid of 
disabled warnings, I will not stand in your way!

For example, in hotspot and gcc, we have `parentheses comment unknown-pragmas 
address delete-non-virtual-dtor char-subscripts array-bounds 
int-in-bool-context ignored-qualifiers missing-field-initializers 
implicit-fallthrough empty-body strict-overflow sequence-point 
maybe-uninitialized misleading-indentation cast-function-type 
shift-negative-value`. I believe many of these should be fixed and removed from 
the list of disabled warnings.

But this bug is about disabling a warning in one compiler that we have already 
decided to disable in another.


PR: https://git.openjdk.java.net/jdk/pull/1044

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