On Thu, 21 Jan 2021 16:54:36 GMT, Paul Sandoz <psan...@openjdk.org> wrote:

>>> Unfortunately it is still problematic because you have replaced the 
>>> intrinsic check (that performed by `Object.checksIndex`, or more 
>>> specifically 
>>> [here](https://github.com/openjdk/jdk/blob/master/src/java.base/share/classes/jdk/internal/util/Preconditions.java#L261)).
>>> Further, you have replaced the bounds check options, in place for 
>>> experimentation. We are not ready yet to collapse our options, further 
>>> analysis is required as bounds checks can be very sensitive in C2.
>>> I would be open to you adding a third case, so that you can analyze the 
>>> performance without perturbing the default behavior. I suspect the correct 
>>> fix is to make intrinsic `Objects.checkFromIndexSize` in a similar manner 
>>> to `Object.checksIndex`.
>> Hi @PaulSandoz ,
>> Thanks for your kind review and comments.
>> To be honest, I didn't get your first point.
>> As for the example above, the intrinsified Objects.checkIndex seems to 
>> generate more code than inlined if-statements.
>> So I'm confused why it's a problem to replace the intrinsic check.
>> Did you mean an intrinsic is always (or for most cases) better than 
>> non-intrinc or inlined if-statements?
>> And why?
>> Could you please make it more clearer to us?
>> Thanks.
> The intrinsic enables C2 to more reliably elide bounds checks. I don't know 
> the exact details but at a high-level it transforms signed values into 
> unsigned values (and therefore the signed comparisons become unsigned 
> comparisons), which helps C2 remove checks when there is a dominating check 
> of, for example, an upper loop bound.
> You say "the intrinsified Objects.checkIndex seems to generate more code than 
> inlined if-statements". Can you present some examples of Java code and the 
> corresponding C2 generated assembler where this happens?

Hi @PaulSandoz ,

I will show you the assembly code next week since it is already Friday night 



PR: https://git.openjdk.java.net/jdk/pull/2127

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