On Fri, 22 Jan 2021 22:16:28 GMT, Jiangli Zhou <jian...@openjdk.org> wrote:

>> The directory structure is intact - only the file is removed from the 
>> filesystem.
>> More generally, for many frameworks, where there used to be
>> the file is gone, but 
>> remains.
>> I don't think we need a jtreg test, since any functionality associated with 
>> PCSC is broken on this platform.  I added label noreg-other
> Ok, I see Java_sun_security_smartcardio_PlatformPCSC_initialize does dlopen 
> using the 'jLibName' (string) obtained from getLibraryName() and throws 
> IOException if dlopen fails. The change seems safe enough.
> I'm wondering if you want to check the file first then check the parent 
> directory if the file does not exist. Not sure if that's a little more 
> optimal on older macos, so I'll leave that to you to decide.
> For the jtreg test, how about converting Dominik's TestPCSC? As the file is a 
> shared for 'unix' platforms, it feels safer at least with some level of unit 
> test. Could you please give some more contexts about the functionalities 
> associated with PCSC are broken on macos?

Martin and I had an off-line chat and Martin convinced me that the existing 
jtreg tests (such as test/jdk/javax/smartcardio and 
test/jdk/sun/security/smartcardio are sufficient) to cover the case.


PR: https://git.openjdk.java.net/jdk/pull/2119

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