On Tue, 1 Jun 2021 09:30:40 GMT, Jaroslav Tulach 
<github.com+26887752+jaroslavtul...@openjdk.org> wrote:

> There doesn't seem to be much support for the complete changes in #4245. To 
> get at least something useful from that endeavor I have extracted the test 
> for existing behavior of `-XX:+PreserveAllAnnotations` and I am offering it 
> in this pull request without any changes to the JVM behavior.

 line 81:

> 79:                     " should not be visible at runtime");
> 80:             }
> 81:         }

I'm trying to understand why the case of 
`TestTask.class.getDeclaredAnnotation(AnnA_v1.class)` is different from 
`AnnB.class.getDeclaredAnnotation(AnnA_v1.class)` ... `TestTask` and `AnnB` are 
both just types annotated with the same annotation `@AnnA_v1` ... I'll have to 
debug this to see the point (does it have something to do with the fact that 
there is circularity of annotation uses: `AnnA_v1` is annotated with `@AnnB` 
while `AnnB` is annotated with `@AnnA_v1` ?

 line 102:

> 100:      */
> 101:     static class AltClassLoader extends ClassLoader {
> 102:         AltClassLoader(ClassLoader parent) {

I can't escape the feeling that I already saw this code somewhere. Hm... ;-)


PR: https://git.openjdk.java.net/jdk/pull/4280

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