On Fri, 25 Jun 2021 13:40:54 GMT, Yi Yang <yy...@openjdk.org> wrote:

> Prefer using ByteOrder to compute byte order for StringUTF16 to determining 
> byte order by native method StringUTF16.isBigEndian.

Hi Yi Yang,

This is more complex than it seems. The general policy is not to change boot 
order if at all possible and for good reason. there are many ways it can cause 
unexpected consequences.

Regarding this specific case, UnsafeConstants exists in order to allow class 
Unsafe to define a few final fields derived from runtime environment/hardware 
parameters provided as final static *primitive* fields of UnsafeConstants. The 
relevant fields in UnsafeConstants are injected by the JVM after they have been 
initialized to dummy values by the class's <clinit> method. So, the purpose of 
the class is simply to pre-cache these runtime/hardware values as Java state, 
avoiding the need for Unsafe to call out to the JVM using native code. Before 
UnsafeConstants was defined these constants used to be retrieved using native 

What you are asking for is to make String use the same pre-cache as Unsafe i.e. 
to expand the set of classes which depend on UnsafeConstants to include String. 
While that might work as currently defined it is not clear that it will always 
continue to work in the future. That's because String is a rather special case, 
much like a primitive class. Instances of String are created to represent 
literal terms in the language. Note that these String terms are themselves 

UnsafeConstants is not meant to have any other uses except to cache the 
runtime-specific/hardware constants used by Unsafe. So, it ought not to depend 
on other classes. However, it is also important that no other classes depend on 
it and that includes String. Now imagine someone were to update UnsafeConstants 
to include an injected String constant -- say, the current setting for LC_LANG, 
or the processor CPU name or some other legitimate text value derived form the 
runtime or hardware. Your change would cause a problem because initialization 
of UnsafeConstants would require String already to be initialized.

Of course, neither of those examples is a likely candidate for inclusion in 
UnsafeConstants but it is hard to say whether other more realistic cases might 
arise in future.


PR: https://git.openjdk.java.net/jdk/pull/4596

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