On 8/25/2021 9:40 AM, Alan Snyder wrote:

On Aug 24, 2021, at 6:52 AM, Andy Herrick <andy.herr...@oracle.com <mailto:andy.herr...@oracle.com>> wrote:

One final thing to note, MacOS keeps track of what you have ever previously granted microphone permission to (and will never ask again) based on the mac package identifier (which defaults to the main class name), so I explicitly set this using a shell script with jpackage option "--mac-package-identifier audio-$1" option, so I can pass in different values and create a unique one each time.

I’ve been wondering what you mean here.

Are you saying that you routinely generate random package identifiers or is this a workaround that you use in special circumstances?


no - I am just generating unique package identifiers to test this microphone permission dialog,


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