On 15/09/21 9:48 pm, Daniel Fuchs wrote:
On Wed, 15 Sep 2021 15:31:45 GMT, Roger Riggs <rri...@openjdk.org> wrote:

Jaikiran Pai has updated the pull request incrementally with one additional 
commit since the last revision:

   - Clarify how overriden Properties#entrySet() method impacts the order of 
stored properties
   - Tests to verify subclasses of Properties
src/java.base/share/classes/java/util/Properties.java line 850:

848:      * the {@code entrySet} method and return a different {@code Set} 
849:      * then the property list is written out in the iteration order of
850:      * that returned {@code Set}
Rewording a bit:

"The keys and elements are written in the natural sort order of the keys in the 
`Properties.entrySet` unless `entrySet` is overridden by a subclass to return a different 

"different instance" is a bit hard to implement given that entrySet() returns a 
new synchronized set each time.
typo: missing final "."
yes - maybe we could work on the wording. Perhaps:
The keys and elements are written in the natural sort order of the keys in the 
Properties.entrySet unless entrySet is overridden by a subclass to return a 
different set implementation.

Daniel is right - my initial wording wasn't accurate and I couldn't find a better term to express what I meant. Like Daniel notes above, I was actually talking about using the private EntrySet implementation that the Properties class uses to find out if some subclass overrode the entrySet() method. I think Daniel's rewording of that javadoc section above to state "different set implementation" is much more accurate than my initial wording.


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