This is an initial PR for expanded lint warnings done under two bugs:

8202056: Expand serial warning to check for bad overloads of serial-related 
methods and ineffectual fields
8160675: Issue lint warning for non-serializable non-transient instance fields 
in serializable type

to get feedback on the general approach and test strategy before further 
polishing the implementation.

The implementation initially started as an annotation processor I wrote several 
years ago. The refined version being incorporated into Attr has been 
refactored, had its checks expanded, and been partially ported to idiomatic 
javac coding style rather than using the javax.lang.model API from annotation 

Subsequent versions of this PR are expected to move the implementation closer 
to idiomatic javac, in particular to use javac flags rather than 
javax.lang.model.Modifier's. Additional resources keys will be defined for the 
serialization-related fields and methods not having the expected modifiers, 
types, etc. The resource keys for the existing checks related to 
serialVersionUID and reused.

Please also review the corresponding CSRs:

Informative serialization-related warning messages must take into account 
whether a class, interface, annotation, record, and enum is being analyzed. 
Enum classes and record classes have special handling in serialization. This 
implementation under review has been augmented with checks for interface types 
recommended by Chris Hegarty in an attachment on 8202056.

The JDK build has the Xlint:serial check enabled. The build did not pass with 
the augmented checks. For most modules, this PR contains the library changes 
necessary for the build to pass. I will start separate PRs in those library 
areas to get the needed SuppressWarning("serial") or other changes in place. 
For one module, I temporarily disabled the Xlint:serial check.

In terms of performance, I have not done benchmarks of the JDK build with and 
without these changes, but informally the build seems to take about as long as 


Commit messages:
 - Appease jcheck
 - Implement checks chegar recommended for interfaces.
 - Update comment.
 - Add tests for instance field checks.
 - Clean build with instance field checks in place.
 - Merge branch 'master' into JDK-8202056
 - Put Externalizable checks last.
 - Add checks for constructor access in Serializable classes.
 - Add no-arg ctor check for Externalizable classes.
 - Improve Externalization warnings.
 - ... and 19 more:

  Stats: 1519 lines in 79 files changed: 1511 ins; 1 del; 7 mod
  Fetch: git fetch pull/5709/head:pull/5709


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