This blocks JDK-8276215: `StrictMath` intrinsics are handled peculiarly by 
giving failing intrinsics a second chance to match against the similar `Math` 
intrinsics. This has interesting consequence for matchers: we can match the 
native `StrictMath.sqrt` to non-native intrinsic for `Math.sqrt`. Interpreter 
would then have to disambiguate the two. It could be made simpler and more 

For `min`/`max` methods, `StrictMath` already delegates to `Math` methods, so 
we can just drop the intrinsics for them. `sqrt` is harder to delegate, because 
it is `native` and a part of public API, so we can instead do the proper 
special intrinsic for it.

There seem to be no performance regressions with this patch at least on Linux 

$ CONF=linux-x86_64-server-release make test TEST="micro:StrictMathBench" 

Benchmark                   Mode  Cnt       Score     Error   Units

### Before

StrictMathBench.minDouble  thrpt    4  230921.558 ± 234.238  ops/ms
StrictMathBench.minFloat   thrpt    4  230932.303 ± 126.721  ops/ms
StrictMathBench.minInt     thrpt    4  230917.256 ±  73.008  ops/ms
StrictMathBench.minLong    thrpt    4  194460.828 ± 178.079  ops/ms

StrictMathBench.maxDouble  thrpt    4  230983.180 ± 161.211  ops/ms
StrictMathBench.maxFloat   thrpt    4  230969.290 ± 277.500  ops/ms
StrictMathBench.maxInt     thrpt    4  231033.581 ± 200.015  ops/ms
StrictMathBench.maxLong    thrpt    4  194590.744 ± 114.295  ops/ms

StrictMathBench.sqrtDouble  thrpt    4  230722.037 ± 2222.080  ops/ms

### After

StrictMathBench.minDouble  thrpt    4  230976.625 ±  67.338  ops/ms
StrictMathBench.minFloat   thrpt    4  230896.021 ± 270.434  ops/ms
StrictMathBench.minInt     thrpt    4  230859.741 ± 403.147  ops/ms
StrictMathBench.minLong    thrpt    4  194456.673 ± 111.557  ops/ms

StrictMathBench.maxDouble  thrpt    4  230890.776 ±  89.924  ops/ms
StrictMathBench.maxFloat   thrpt    4  230918.334 ±  63.160  ops/ms
StrictMathBench.maxInt     thrpt    4  231059.128 ±  51.224  ops/ms
StrictMathBench.maxLong    thrpt    4  194488.210 ± 495.224  ops/ms

StrictMathBench.sqrtDouble  thrpt    4  231023.703 ± 247.330  ops/ms

Additional testing:
 - [x] `StrictMath` benchmarks
 - [x] Linux x86_64 fastdebug `tier1`


Commit messages:
 - Fix

  Stats: 66 lines in 16 files changed: 27 ins; 26 del; 13 mod
  Fetch: git fetch pull/6184/head:pull/6184


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