On Thu, 4 Nov 2021 20:56:45 GMT, Andrew Leonard <aleon...@openjdk.org> wrote:

> This PR enables reproducible Jars, Jmods and openjdk image zip files 
> (eg.src.zip).
> It provides support for SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH for Jar, Jmod and underlying 
> ZipOutputStream's.
> It fixes the following keys issues relating to reproducibility:
> - Jar and ZipOutputStream are not SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH aware
>   - Jar and ZipOutputStream now detect SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH environment setting
> - Jar and Jmod file content ordering was non-determinsitic
>   - Fixes to Jar and Jmod main's to ensure sorted classes content ordering
> - openjdk image zip file generation used "zip" which is non-determinsitic
>   - New openjdk build tool "GenerateZip" which produces the final 
> determinsitic zip files as part of the build and also detects 
> Signed-off-by: Andrew Leonard <anleo...@redhat.com>

> I think this is going to require discussion, a PR may be too premature. Is 
> your goal to get the JDK build and run-time images creates with jlink to use 
> the SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH? Are you looking for project builds that use the 
> jar/jmod/etc. tools to use it? Or are you looking to have every library and 
> application that uses the java.util.zip APIs to read it? If it includes the 
> latter, and the patch in the PR suggests you are, then it will require 
> analysis to work through the API spec changes.
> One suggestion is to look at JDK-8231640 and PR 5372 [1]. The original 
> proposal was to use SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH. After a lengthy discussion we 
> converged on the system property java.properties.date rather than the env 
> variable. I suspect that much of that discussion applies here.
> -Alan
> [1] https://github.com/[/pull/5372](https://github.com/openjdk/jdk/pull/5372)

@AlanBateman Hi Alan, thank you for the comments. So yes, totally agree this 
has a way to go, I thought creating a PR would kick things off...! So just to 
clarify the initial objectives which you raise above. My current aim is 
actually purely an OpenJDK JDK image perspective, building on the work @magicus 
has been doing with SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH in the build, hence my natural approach 
to this PR. So from that perspective, it's purely a "build" change. However, 
the openjdk build obviously uses openjdk Jar, Jmod tooling to build itself, 
hence the direction I took in this PR.

Magnus's PR #5372 is useful thank you, I had not discovered that change, as you 
say the direction there is similar to mine, and I understand the potential 
pitfalls of adding doPrivileged's etc. So that resolved to a new system 
property java.properties.date, which makes sense.

So with that in mind, and given the objective of JDK image reproducibility, 
this would imply presumably an approach of a new cmd line option to Jar and 
Jmod tools (eg.--source-date <date>), since these tools are cmds?

One of the key changes in this PR is to ZipOutputStream where it sets the 
ZipEntry.xdostime if not set, to the current time. Now I am thinking given the 
"objective", if we fix all upstream tooling to ensure they set ZipEntry times, 
using "--source-date" (or whatever mechanism), then we can then avoid changing 
ZipOutputStream I believe. JDK tools like jar, jmod generate/update extra files 
like Manifests, and in fact I think the current jmod implementation writes all 
its content using the current time.

So something along these lines:
    jar -cf myjar.jar --source-date "<date>" * 
    jmod create --source-date "<date>" ... my.jmod
The jar, jmod,.. tooling then ensure all ZipEntry times are set to 

I chose "source-date" name based on being synonymous with SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH, 
implying a similar "use case".

So taking this approach for JDK tooling should achieve the reproducible JDK 
image objective, without a java API behavior change I am hoping.



PR: https://git.openjdk.java.net/jdk/pull/6268

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