On Sat, 6 Nov 2021 22:03:26 GMT, Pavel Rappo <pra...@openjdk.org> wrote:

>> This is a draft proposal for how we could improve stream performance for the 
>> case where the streams are empty. Empty collections are common-place. If we 
>> iterate over them with an Iterator, we would have to create one small 
>> Iterator object (which could often be eliminated) and if it is empty we are 
>> done. However, with Streams we first have to build up the entire pipeline, 
>> until we realize that there is no work to do. With this example, we change 
>> Collection#stream() to first check if the collection is empty, and if it is, 
>> we simply return an EmptyStream. We also have EmptyIntStream, 
>> EmptyLongStream and EmptyDoubleStream. We have taken great care for these to 
>> have the same characteristics and behaviour as the streams returned by 
>> Stream.empty(), IntStream.empty(), etc. 
>> Some of the JDK tests fail with this, due to ClassCastExceptions (our 
>> EmptyStream is not an AbstractPipeline) and AssertionError, since we can 
>> call some methods repeatedly on the stream without it failing. On the plus 
>> side, creating a complex stream on an empty stream gives us upwards of 50x 
>> increase in performance due to a much smaller object allocation rate. This 
>> PR includes the code for the change, unit tests and also a JMH benchmark to 
>> demonstrate the improvement.
> src/java.base/share/classes/java/util/Collection.java line 743:
>> 741:      */
>> 742:     default Stream<E> stream() {
>> 743:         if (isEmpty()) return Stream.empty();
> The net effect of this change might depend on your workload. If you call 
> stream() on empty collections that have cheap isEmpty(), this change will 
> likely improve performance and reduce waste. However, this same change might 
> do the opposite if some of your collections aren't empty or have costly 
> isEmpty(). It would be good to have benchmarks for different workloads.

wouldn't this make streams no longer lazy if the collection is empty?

        List<String> list = new ArrayList<>();
        Stream<String> stream = list.stream();

        list.addAll(List.of("one", "two", "three"));

        stream.forEach(System.out::println); // prints one two three


PR: https://git.openjdk.java.net/jdk/pull/6275

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