On Tue, 8 Feb 2022 17:39:37 GMT, Mandy Chung <mch...@openjdk.org> wrote:

> This change looks okay. One biggest cold startup overhead we measured for JEP 
> 416 is due to the overhead of spinning and loading classes of MH/VH. This 
> micro-optimization focuses on the performance of VH invocation. Do you see 
> class spinning and loading from your benchmark? Maybe in the generic 
> invocation case?

Not really, I am trying to see that `-Xint` does not have easy to fix 
impediments to cold performance. In this benchmark, bootstrapping stuff had 
already happened at warmup, it measures the overheads of doing all the MH/VH 
without the optimizing compiler assistance.


PR: https://git.openjdk.java.net/jdk/pull/7333

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