On Wed, 2 Mar 2022 18:56:40 GMT, Tim Prinzing <d...@openjdk.java.net> wrote:

> The caller class returned by Reflection::getCallerClass was used to gain 
> access to it's module in most cases and class loader in one case. I added a 
> method to translate the caller class to caller module so that the decision of 
> what module represents the caller with no stack frame is made in a single 
> place. Calls made to caller.getModule() were replaced with 
> getCallerModule(caller) which returns the system class loader unnamed module 
> if the caller is null.
> The one place a class loader was produced from the caller in getBundleImpl it 
> was rewritten to route through the getCallerModule method:
>         final ClassLoader loader = (caller != null) ?
>                 caller.getClassLoader() : getLoader(getCallerModule(caller));
> A JNI test was added which calls getBundle to fetch a test bundle from a 
> location added to the classpath, fetches a string out of the bundle and 
> verifies it, and calls clearCache.
> The javadoc was updated for the caller sensitive methods changed.

Instead of sprinkling the null caller text in the javadoc in each `getBundle` 
method, we can specify that that in the class specification, for example, after 
the "Resource bundles in other modules and class path" section.

In cases where the {@code getBundle} factory method is called from a context 
where there is no caller frame on the stack (e.g. when called directly from
a JNI attached thread), the caller module is default to the unnamed module for 
{@linkplain ClassLoader#getSystemClassLoader system class loader}.

What do you think?

src/java.base/share/classes/java/util/ResourceBundle.java line 1588:

> 1586:                                                 Control control) {
> 1587:         final ClassLoader loader = (caller != null) ?
> 1588:                 caller.getClassLoader() : 
> getLoader(getCallerModule(caller));


              ClassLoader loader = getLoader(getCallerModule(caller));

This can be simplified as above.  I would drop `final` too as it only adds 
noise to the code.


PR: https://git.openjdk.java.net/jdk/pull/7663

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