Hi there,

The document of  
 in the Java API is ambiguous in terms of when to initialize the method's class 
as follows (the same description as in other OpenJDK versions)

If the returned method handle is invoked, the method's class will be 
initialized, if it has not already been initialized.

It occurs to me that the method's class should be initialized when invoking the 
method handle but OpenJDK actually chooses to do the initialization in 
lookup.findStatic() rather than in mh.invoke()
import java.lang.invoke.*;

public class Test_1 {
    static MethodHandle mh = MethodHandles.lookup().findStatic(Test_2.class, 
"testMethod", MethodType.methodType(int.class, int.class)); <----------- 
Test_2.class gets initialized and verified.

    public static void main(String[] args) throws Throwable {

public class Test_2 {
    static int testMethod(int value) { return (value + 1); }

So there should be more clear explanation what is the correct or expected 
behaviour at this point and why OpenJDK doesn't comply with the document to 
delay the initialization of the method's class to mh.invoke().

Best Regards
Cheng Jin

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