
On 23/05/2022 14:53, Brian Goetz wrote:

Are there any useful Consumer<Consumer<T>> in the wild, that are actually typed like that?  I doubt it (there are many things convertible to it, though.)  Which suggests it might be fruitful to define a FI:

    interface PushSource<T> {
        void accept(Consumer<? extends Consumer<T>> pusher);

    static<T> Stream<T> fromPush(PushSource<T> source) { ... }

and Iterable::forEachRemaining and Optional::ifPresent will convert to it.

...the PushSource would probably be just the following (a replacement for Consumer<Consumer<T>>):

    interface PushSource<T> {
        void accept(Consumer<T> consumer);

The outer Consumer is not that problematic, IMO, since it is subject of conversion from any similar signature via lambdas/method references as easily as PushSource. The inner Consumer type is more problematic. For example, suppose one would have the following API:

    interface Listener {
        void listen(String token);

    record Parser(String text) {
        void parse(Listener listener) {
            for (var token : text.split(" ")) {

...to convert a Parser instance `parser` to a Stream of tokens, one would have to do something like this:

var parser = new Parser("1 2 3 4");

var stream = Stream.fromForEach(consumer -> parser.parse(consumer::accept));

...and then the type of stream would be inferred as Stream<Object>, not Stream<String> as one would like. Type hinting would be necessary:

var stream = Stream.<String>fromForEach(consumer -> parser.parse(consumer::accept));

I don't believe Java type system allows doing such things more elegantly.

One point to highlight is also that such method is only suitable for "finite" generators. A generator that emits infinite number of elements would have no way to stop emitting them although the resulting Stream was later shortened with .limit(max) or .takeWhile(predicate), ... Such Stream would never stop. This could be solved by a warning in the javadoc though. Or by something that project Loom could provide in the form of continuation?

As to the name, `generate` is taken by the generate(Supplier<T> supplier) form, but overload is technically possible, since it differs by parameters of unrelated type and number of parameters of the @FunctionalInterface methods (Supplier vs. Consumer). No conflicts should be expected.

Regards, Peter

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