On Mon, 30 May 2022 05:29:01 GMT, Alan Bateman <al...@openjdk.org> wrote:

>> More practically.
>> This PR has a noticeable negative effect - it increases the size of 
>> InputStream objects. Moreover, it increases the size of InputStream 
>> subclasses which has own skip() implementation and don't need this 
>> superclass modification.
>> Let's look into InputStream subclasses.
>> I've checked 51 InputStream from classlib. 30 of them either have their own 
>> skip() implementation or use super.skip() other than from InputStream. This 
>> PR is definitely harmful to these 30 classes. These 30 classes can be 
>> divided into the following categories:
>> 1) Clean non-allocating skip() implementation (22 classes):
>>  - BufferedInputStream (java.io) 
>>  - ByteArrayInputStream (java.io)
>>  - FileInputStream (java.io) 
>>  - FilterInputStream (java.io)
>>  - PeekInputStream in ObjectInputStream (java.io)
>>  - BlockDataInputStream in ObjectInputStream (java.io) 
>>  - PushbackInputStream (java.io) 
>>  - FastInputStream in Manifest (java.util.jar)
>>  - ZipFileInputStream in ZipFile (java.util.zip)
>>  - CipherInputStream (javax.crypto)
>>  - MeteredStream (sun.net.www)
>>  - Anonymous in nullInputStream() in InputStream (java.io)
>>  - DataInputStream (java.io)
>>  - Anonymous in readTrailer() in GZIPInputStream (java.util.zip)
>>  - FtpInputStream in FtpURLConnection (sun.net.www.protocol.ftp)
>>  - JarURLInputStream in JarURLConnection (sun.net.www.protocol.jar)
>>  - PlainTextInputStream (sun.net.www.content.text)
>>  - PushbackInputStream (java.io)
>>  - TelnetInputStream (sun.net)
>>  - UnclosableInputStream in FileInputStreamPool (sun.security.provider)
>>  - MeteredStream (sun.net.www)
>>  - KeepAliveStream (sun.net.www.http)
>> 2) Partially clean skip() implementation (1 class):
>>  - ChannelInputStream (sun.nio.ch)
>>    Note: clean skip impl when using SeekableByteChannel (most usages) 
>> otherwise super.skip() is used, and it may be easily rewritten using the 
>> existing internal buffer.
>> 3) Unavoidable skip buffers (7 classes):
>>  - PipeInputStream in Process (java.lang) // per skip() invocation buffer 
>> byte[2048]
>>  - CheckedInputStream (java.util.zip)     // per skip() invocation buffer 
>> byte[512]
>>  - InflaterInputStream (java.util.zip)    // per skip() invocation buffer 
>> byte[512]
>>  - AppInputStream in SSLSocketImpl (sun.security.ssl) // per skip() 
>> invocation buffer byte[256]
>>  - DeflaterInputStream (java.util.zip)   //  cached  skip buffer, byte[512], 
>> allocated on demand
>>  - ZipInputStream (java.util.zip)       //   preallocated skip buffer 
>> byte[512]
>>  - HttpInputStream in HttpURLConnection (sun.net.www.protocol.http) //  
>> cached  skip buffer, byte[8096], allocated on demand
>> It would be better to clean all skip implementations for the latter category 
>> and make it consistent. Now it's totally a mess. All possible strategies 
>> were implemented.
>> Now let's consider classes which uses InputStream.skip() implementation (21 
>> classes):
>> 4) skip() is not implemented, when trivial implementation is possible (4 
>> classes):
>>  - EmptyInputStream (sun.net.www.protocol.http)
>>  - NullInputStream in ProcessBuilder (java.lang)
>>  - ObjectInputStream (java.io)
>>  - extObjectInputStream (javax.crypto)
>> 5) skip() is not implemented, when not-so-trivial implementation is possible 
>> (9 classes):
>>  - Anonymous in getInputStream() in NioSocketImpl (sun.nio.ch)  
>>    Notes: temp direct buffer is used for reading, it's possible to implement 
>> skip over the direct buffer, save allocation + no copying from direct buffer 
>> to byte[]
>>  - Anonymous in newInputStream() in Channels (java.nio.channels)
>>    Notes: temp direct buffer is used for reading, it's possible to implement 
>> skip over the direct buffer, save allocation + no copying from direct buffer 
>> to byte[]
>>  - ChunkedInputStream (sun.net.www.http)
>>    Notes: skip() maybe implemented with the existing internal buffer
>>  - DecInputStream in Base64 (java.util)   
>>  - ErrorStream in HttpURLConnection (sun.net.www.protocol.http)
>>    Notes: skip (but easily can be implemented with internal buffer + 
>> delegation to tail stream)
>>  - PipedInputStream (java.io)
>>    Notes: skip() may be implemented with the existing internal buffer
>>  - SequenceInputStream (java.io)   
>>    Notes: skip() maybe implemented with delegation
>>  - SocketInputStream (sun.nio.ch)   
>>    Notes: temp direct buffer is used for reading, it's possible to implement 
>> skip over the direct buffer, save allocation + no copying from direct buffer 
>> to byte[]
>>  - SocketInputStream in Socket (java.net)
>>    Notes: skip() maybe implemented with delegation
>> And the last category:
>> 6) skip() is not implemented, and skip buffer is unavoidable (8 classes):
>>   - VerifierStream in JarVerifier (java.util.jar)
>>   - DigestInputStream (java.security)
>>   - HttpCaptureInputStream (sun.net.www.http)  
>>   - InflaterInputStream (java.util.zip)
>>   - GZIPInputStream (java.util.zip)
>>   - ZipFileInflaterInputStream in ZipFile (java.util.zip)
>>   - ZipInputStream (java.util.zip)
>>   - JarInputStream (java.util.jar)
>> Only categories 3 & 6 need skip buffers (15 classes). In all other cases, we 
>> don't need skip buffer and if we will clean all InputStream subclasses it 
>> gives much more value than the original PR.
>> As about 3d party InputStream subclasses - let the owner takes care of the 
>> implementation.
>> 5. skip() is not implemented, when not-so-trivial implementation is possible 
>> (9 classes):
> For the low-level streams (e.g. connected to socket) then it would be common 
> to see them wrapped by buffered streams. So it might not be worth doing 
> anything there.
> However, I think your suggestion to change the no-arg read/write be 
> non-abstract is interesting as it's always a pain to have to implement that.

> @AlanBateman this need a csr IMO?

Changing InputStream.read to be non-abstract would be an API change and so 
would require a CSR. I think try it first, the main thing is to satisfy 
yourself that there aren't any compatibility issues, e.g. when InputStream is 
extended by an abstract class with a non-abstract read method.


PR: https://git.openjdk.java.net/jdk/pull/5872

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