On Thu, 10 Nov 2022 01:10:13 GMT, Jonathan Gibbons <j...@openjdk.org> wrote:

> Please review a "somewhat automated" change to insert `@spec` tags into doc 
> comments, as appropriate, to leverage the recent new javadoc feature to 
> generate a new page listing the references to all external specifications 
> listed in the `@spec` tags.
> "Somewhat automated" means that I wrote and used a temporary utility to scan 
> doc comments looking for HTML links to selected sites, such as `ietf.org`, 
> `unicode.org`, `w3.org`. These links may be in the main description of a doc 
> comment, or in `@see` tags. For each link, the URL is examined, and 
> "normalized", and inserted into the doc comment with a new `@spec` tag, 
> giving the link and tile for the spec.
> "Normalized" means...
> * Use `https:` where possible (includes pretty much all cases)
> * Use a single consistent host name for all URLs coming from the same spec 
> site (i.e. don't use different aliases for the same site)
> * Point to the root page of a multi-page spec
> * Use a consistent form of the spec, preferring HTML over plain text where 
> both are available (this mostly applies to IETF specs)
> In addition, a "standard" title is determined for all specs,  determined 
> either from the content of the (main) spec page or from site index pages.
> The net effect is (or should be) that **all** the changes are to just **add** 
> new `@spec` tags, based on the links found in each doc comment. There should 
> be no other changes to the doc comments, or to the implementation of any 
> classes and interfaces.
> That being said, the utility I wrote does have additional abilities, to 
> update the links that it finds (e.g. changing to use `https:` etc,) but those 
> features are _not_ being used here, but could be used in followup PRs if 
> component teams so desired. I did notice while working on this overall 
> feature that many of our links do point to "outdated" pages, some with 
> eye-catching notices declaring that the spec has been superseded. Determining 
> how, when and where to update such links is beyond the scope of this PR.
> Going forward, it is to be hoped that component teams will maintain the 
> underlying links, and the URLs in `@spec` tags, such that if references to 
> external specifications are updated, this will include updating the `@spec` 
> tags.
> To see the effect of all these new `@spec` tags, see 
> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~jjg/8296546/api.00/
> In particular, see the new [External 
> Specifications](http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~jjg/8296546/api.00/external-specs.html)
>  page, which you can also find via the new link near the top of the 
> [Index](http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~jjg/8296546/api.00/index-files/index-1.html)
>  pages.

src/jdk.jdi/share/classes/com/sun/jdi/connect/spi/Connection.java line 105:

> 103:      *          If the length of the packet (as indictaed by the first
> 104:      *          4 bytes) is less than 11 bytes, or an I/O error occurs.
> 105:      * @spec jdwp/jdwp-spec.html Java Debug Wire Protocol


Within this javadoc page the jdwp-spec.html references are titled "JDWP 
Specification", but these `@spec` references are titled "Java Debug Wire 
Protocol". I suggest making them more consistent. There is one more case below 
and this same issue also applies to TransportService.java. Perhaps the title in 
jdwp-spec.html should be updated. I think "Java Debug Wire Protocol (JDWP) 
Specification" would be good.

src/jdk.jdi/share/classes/com/sun/jdi/connect/spi/TransportService.java line 79:

> 77:  * target VM.
> 78:  *
> 79:  * @spec jdwp/jdwp-spec.html Java Debug Wire Protocol

See above comment for Connection.java.

src/jdk.jdi/share/classes/module-info.java line 107:

> 105:  *
> 106:  *
> 107:  * @spec jpda/jpda.html Java Platform Debugger Architecture


`@spec` and `@see` sections end up one right after the other with the same 
content, except the `@see` section has the preferred hyperlink title. Suggest 
you remove the `@see` section and also update `@spec` hyperlink title to 
include "(JPDA)", or update the actual title in the jpda.html doc so it 
includes "(JPDA)" in it and then rerun your tool.

src/jdk.jdwp.agent/share/classes/module-info.java line 30:

> 28:  *
> 29:  * @spec jdwp/jdwp-spec.html Java Debug Wire Protocol
> 30:  * @spec jdwp/jdwp-transport.html Java Debug Wire Protocol Transport 
> Interface (jdwpTransport)


The end result here is not very clean. You have the same two specs being 
referred to just a few lines apart, and the hyperlink titles are not even close 
to be the same, even though the links are the same. Maybe the "@see" section 
should be removed.


PR: https://git.openjdk.org/jdk/pull/11073

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