On Wed, 13 Dec 2023 18:38:11 GMT, Tim Prinzing <tprinz...@openjdk.org> wrote:

>>> It could also be interesting to provide the `timeout` that was given to the 
>>> selection operation.
>> I've tried to work through issues, esp. around selector spinning, and being 
>> able to distinguish select from selectNow is important for all of them, so 
>> yes, the timeout is needed or else no emit when the timeout == 0 as that's 
>> the case you have to filter out when troubleshooting.
> I've added filtering of selectNow(), and an event is emitted if there is a 
> timeout independent of the threshold.  The duration should roughly equal the 
> timout in that case.  I added more test cases to cover those two changes.

The select call may also exit early with 0 key selected if it was woken up by a 
call to Selector::wakeup and this is not necessarily indicative of an issue in 
the API. We use this facility a lot in the HttpClient as we also use the 
selector thread as a timer thread.


PR Review Comment: https://git.openjdk.org/jdk/pull/16710#discussion_r1425760691

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