On 6/11/08 5:17 PM, "Chris Collins" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> The finer point to this is that in development you may be logged in as
> user x and have a shared hdfs instance that a number of people are
> using.  In that mode its not practical to sudo as you have all your
> development tools setup for userx.  hdfs is setup with a single user,
> what is the procedure to add users to that hdfs instance?  It has to
> support it surely?  Its really not obvious, looking in the hdfs docs
> that come with the distro nothing springs out.  the hadoop command
> line tool doesnt have anything that vaguely looks like a way to create
> a user.

    User information is sent from the client.  The code literally does a
'whoami' and 'groups' and sends that information to the server.

    Shared data should be handled just like you would in UNIX:

        - create a directory
        - set permissions to be insecure
        - go crazy


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