Hi all-
One more question.

I'm looking for a lightweight way to serve data stored as key-value
pairs in a series of MapFiles or SequenceFiles.  HBase/Hypertable
offer a very robust, powerful solution to this problem with a bunch of
extra features like updates and column types, etc., that I don't need
at all.  But, I'm wondering if there might be something
ultra-lightweight that someone has come up with for a very restricted
(but important!) set of use cases.  Basically, I'd like to be able to
load the entire contents of a file key-value map file in DFS into
memory across many machines in my cluster so that I can access any of
it with ultra-low latencies.  I don't need updates--I just need
ultra-fast queries into a very large hash map (actually, just an array
would be sufficient).  This would correspond, approximately to the
"sstable" functionality that BigTable is implemented on top of, but
which is also useful for many, many things directly (refer to the
BigTable paper or

This question may be better targeted to the HBase community, if so,
please let me know.  Has anyone else tried to deal with this?


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