Does that mean libhdfs doesn't support append functionality in 0.19.0, but
if I write a Java test program to test hdfs append functionality then it
should work? Do I need to apply all the patches given at to test append
functionality using TestFileAppend*.java? Or just having hadoop 0.19.0
should work?


 -----Original Message-----
From: Craig Macdonald [] 
Sent: Monday, February 02, 2009 3:58 PM
Subject: Re: HDFS Appends in 0.19.0

Hi Arifa,

The O_APPEND flag is the subject of


Arifa Nisar wrote:
> Hello All,
> I am using hadoop 0.19.0, whose release notes includes "HADOOP-1700
> Introduced append operation for HDFS files". I am trying to test this new
> feature using my test program. I have experienced that O_APPEND flag added
> in hdfsopen() is ignored by libhdfs. Also, only WRONLY and RDONLY are
> defined in hdfs.h. Please let me know how to use append functionality in
> this release.
> Thanks,
> Arifa.

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